How to get rid of indigestion naturally?


 (معدہ ہو اگر دکھ میں ۔ کیسے رہے گا انسان سکھ میں)

Gastrointestinal disorders are common in young, old, or elderly alike, nowadays we hear a lot about stomach disorders. Common symptoms of this disease include indigestion, nausea, vomiting, flatulence (gas), diarrhea, or constipation.  Stomach upset or discomfort can have many causes, but most of the causes are not dangerous for the patient, so the patient gets relief from the pain soon.

Gastrointestinal disease can be treated based on the causes, if you or someone in your household is experiencing stomach upset conditions, the following kitchen foods can be beneficial. By using them you will experience improvement in pain and quick recovery.



It has been heard from elders that the use of ginger is very beneficial to get rid of digestive system and stomach ailments. In this age of technology, it has been proven by research that the use of ginger is very effective in certain types of stomach or stomach pain. According to medical experts, raw, cooked, and boiled ginger is effective in all conditions.

Ginger is easy for the patient to consume as a supplement and chew, and many people also prefer to add ginger to tea. For this, take some ginger put it in tea, and use it to get rid of stomach pain. Grind a piece of ginger and mix it in half a cup of boiled water and cool it, then drink it with a little honey.

Apple Cider Vinegar.


Apple cider vinegar is rich in antioxidant properties. The acids in it slow down the digestion of starch, allowing it to reach the intestines and keep the bacteria there healthy. If you are experiencing stomach or stomach pain, use a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. And some people use a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar daily to protect against stomach ailments.


Mint is considered useful for stomach aches and upset stomachs, mainly due to the analgesic properties of menthol present in mint leaves, which helps the patient to recover quickly.

If mint leaves are eaten in stomach ache, the pain will be relieved along with relaxation. Apart from this, smelling mint in pain also brings healing to the patient. Peppermint or black pepper tea can also be used for stomach pain.

Toast (BRAT Diet).


You must be aware of the use of bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast (BRAT Diet) to relieve stomach aches or stomach discomfort in children. The diet under consideration is very beneficial for people suffering from nausea and diarrhea.

This diet plan consists of low-fiber and mixed foods and none of the foods included contain salt or spices. If you also feel the symptoms of stomach pain, then this diet plan will be beneficial for your health. It should be noted that overcooked toast helps reduce stomach discomfort.


Include foods in your diet that are known for their digestive benefits, such as ginger, peppermint, and chamomile tea. Staying hydrated, managing stress through techniques like meditation or yoga, and engaging in regular physical activity can also promote better digestion.

Gastrointestinal problems sometimes become more serious. Constant vomiting creates a condition like dehydration in the human body, if you feel like constant vomiting even after consuming water, it becomes necessary to get a check-up from a doctor.

Similarly, if stomach pain persists for 48 hours, it is important to contact a physician. In the same way, if you experience stomach discomfort after eating some food or even a little movement of the body, consult a doctor.

A healthy diet, a good daily routine, and exercise play a very important role in preventing stomach upset or upset stomach. If you want to protect yourself from suffering, eat well and try to adopt a healthy lifestyle.


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