Why is your electricity bill so high?

 Despite a thousand precautions, 6 mistakes that increase your bill.

Ever-increasing electricity bills are a major source of frustration and economic insecurity. Due to rising inflation in Pakistan, paying the electricity bill has become difficult for both the rich and the poor. Citizens seem to be taking measures to save electricity costs through solar and other methods, but despite trying every method, the electricity bill is not reducing. We tell you where, despite taking a thousand precautions, you make mistakes and cause your bill to increase.

AC/Microwave Oven.

Despite inflation, ACs and other electrical appliances have become common even among the middle class, and these electrical appliances use a lot of energy - but surprisingly, even when you don't use them, these things use electricity automatically. Please switch off the AC or other appliances whenever they are not in use as these things can shock you by consuming more than 100 watts of electricity per day. So try to save electricity to avoid bill shocks.

Air conditioning costs 17% of a home's total electricity costs. In more humid climates, this number rises to 27%. Neglecting care can add to this number quickly. For example, if your AC filters are blocked, your air conditioner will have to work harder to provide the same level of cooling, thus consuming more electricity.

Reduce your consumption during peak hours to save on your monthly electricity bills.

If you're wondering why your electricity bill is so high despite limiting your usage, look at when you use the most electricity. Electric companies charge higher prices during peak hours to limit excess energy consumption. So, if your electricity bill is still too high, you can save it by not using electronic devices at the same time as everyone else!

The television is Completely Switched off.

Today TV is a must in every home be it a city or village, but every house has several TVs which not only provide you entertainment but also increase the electricity bill. Try to switch off the TV when you turn it off, otherwise, being on standby can cause the TV to dramatically cut dozens of watts and play havoc with your appearance.

Digital TV Box.

Due to the easy access to the internet in every home, digital TV box is also common in homes today, with the help of this box, people enjoy worldwide channels and YouTube, but if you don't turn it off with the switch. Even if it is closed, it can force you to do the box dance when the bill comes.


After Corona, an increase in the trend of working from home is being seen in the country due to which computers and laptops have become mandatory in homes. It is a fact that Worm-Supplier Home is a good facility but if you do not use it properly then Rehmat will also become a nuisance for you because of not switching off the computer or laptop properly and keeping it on standby all the time. Your computer can cause you great harm.

Mobile chargers.

In this era of technology, the mobile phone is considered the basic need of every human being. There are many phones in every house that people like to keep at hand and due to high usage, electricity is also used for charging - but most people leave the charger on empty after charging the phone. The phone does not charge, but it increases the units in your bill.

Finally, one of the primary reasons for a high energy bill is excessive energy consumption. Take a moment to reflect on your daily routines and lifestyle. Are you leaving lights on unnecessarily? Do you have multiple electronic devices constantly plugged in? Are you running appliances during peak hours? Identifying and modifying energy-intensive habits can significantly reduce your electricity consumption.
