Top 6 most dangerous places in the world.

It is forbidden to go here these are places where human life can go.

Tourism is one of the most popular activities in the world. People are always looking for adventurous, exotic, and unusual destinations. However, some places are so dangerous that they can endanger the lives of tourists, so entry is prohibited. In this article, we will tell you about six of the most dangerous places in the world that require special care and caution while visiting, even if allowed.

Oymyakon, Russia.

This area in Eastern Siberia has the honor of being the coldest place in the world - the temperature reaches minus 71 degrees Celsius - and the people living here have to face extreme cold weather. - Even the cold weather causes people to freeze their saliva and eyelids, due to which human life can also be in danger - courage and precautions are necessary to be safe from this situation.

Having scarily low temperatures for a permanently inhabited place, it is one of the coldest places in the world. Mobile phones do not function in such cold climates, and the ground is too frozen for crops to grow, so residents rely mostly on a meat-based diet.

Mount Washington.

Mount Washington in New Hampshire is known for its extreme climate and altitude. It is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 6,288.2 ft. and the most topographically prominent mountain east of the Mississippi River.  In 1934, the highest wind speed ever recorded was recorded here. These weather conditions can pose a threat to tourists, requiring caution when hiking in the mountains.

Atoll of Bikini.

This location in the Pacific Ocean was used as a nuclear range by the United States, where 67 nuclear tests were conducted between 1946 and 1958. Is a coral reef in the Marshall Islands consisting of 23 islands surrounding a 229.4-square-mile central lagoon? The atoll is at the northern end of the Ralik Chain, approximately 530 miles northwest of the capital Majuro. The radiation on the island is still dangerous to human health, preventing its permanent settlement. The health of the residents of this place has also been seriously damaged by the nuclear tests - and they are still struggling to recover from this damage.

Island of Quemada Grande.

Quemada Grande is an island in Brazil that is home to the world's most dangerous and poisonous snakes more commonly referred to as Snake Island an island off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean. This island is very small and only covers an area of ​​43 acres, but the number of snakes here is in the thousands or even millions - this is why only certain scientists are allowed to visit this island - these few scientists are allowed to visit here only for research purposes.

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

Hawaii has Volcanoes National Park, one of the few places in the world where you can get up close to active volcanoes like Mount Kilauea and Mauna Loa. The park was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987. However, the area has caused many casualties and deaths due to lava, flying rocks, and boiling seawater. This lava joins the water and becomes a hazard to tourists on floating boats - therefore travel here requires extreme caution and care.

Mount Sinabung.

Mount Sinabung is an active volcano located on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Its last eruption, in 2019, produced an ash cloud nearly 2 km high, making the site a potential hazard for residents and tourists.

There are three routes up the mighty volcano: one is well-marked, while the other two are less obvious. Due to unpredictable weather, it is best to always hike with an experienced guide. The thick jungle on the flanks of the mountain leads to the massive area of Mount Leuser National Park, so having an experienced guide is essential to avoid getting lost.

Finally, Our Earth is home to many wild and dangerous places, sitting right alongside famous tourist destinations that we've always wanted to visit. We hope this list of the most dangerous places in the world will help you plan your bucket list more effectively. Don't forget to share this with all your travel buddies as well!


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