Top interesting facts about the national bird of Pakistan.


Why was the peacock called the national bird of Pakistan instead of the Chakor? Some interesting facts about the national bird of Pakistan.

Earlier, when a teacher would ask his student about the national bird of Pakistan, the answer would usually be a peacock or the name of the bird he had in mind. But nowadays in this technological age, this information is provided with just a button. Here let me give information, in fact, a peacock is the national bird of India which was often made the national bird of Pakistan due to its less knowledge of neighboring countries. It was declared the national bird of Pakistan in 1985 due to its historical and cultural significance.

Every country has its national bird with some interesting facts that people love to know. Accordingly, we are going to share with you some facts about the national bird of Pakistan.

Native Habitat of Chakor:  

Chakor is native to Pakistan but can also be found in India, Afghanistan, and Central Asia.  They are easily found at high altitudes and mountains.

In Asia, the native species of these birds are found in Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.

Appearance and Features:

Chakor is a medium-sized bird. They have thick bodies, short legs, and spread wings all around. Also, they are brown and gray with black stripes and chestnut patterns on the back. Hunting the Chakor has always been a challenge for hunters due to its flight and sudden disappearance into the bush.

The Chakor has a plump body while its head is round and its tail is short - its head is round, its eyes are small and its beak is strong - its strong legs help it to run on rough and rocky ground.

Chakor lifestyle.

Unlike other birds, the national bird of Pakistan, the Chakor is a social creature that lives in the wild with about 50 other birds. They are most active in the early morning and late afternoon, especially when they are feeding. Chakor may also consume fruits such as wild berries and seeds from various shrubs and trees.

Interestingly, female chickadees lay about 8 to 20 eggs in a nest. Hatching takes about three weeks, and both males and females help each other raise the eggs and chicks. A commercially used Chakor diet consists of fresh fruits and vegetables - while fresh water must be provided at all times.

This bird has been used for hunting and game in Pakistan for centuries and is considered a delicacy in some parts of the country. Chakor can fly short distances but prefers to run and hide to avoid predators.

The bird is also known for its ability to survive in harsh environments, including high altitudes and extreme temperatures. In ancient Indian and Persian literature, Chakor was considered a symbol of love and loyalty. Chakor is an important part of the ecosystem in the areas where it lives, as it helps control insect populations.

Despite being the national bird of Pakistan, the Chakor is not considered endangered and its population is stable. The Chakor has been introduced as a game bird in many other places and the bird has also established itself in parts of North America and New Zealand.

Finally, these facts are fascinating about Chakor because no one would have thought that Chakor could be so unique in different ways. Chakor is not an ordinary bird that you can easily see, it is special and that is why there are many hidden facts about it.
