Top 5 Summer Drinks That Are Refreshing and Nutritious.


The summer season is difficult for those who work under the open sky and those who are busy within the four walls. And of course, this time the heat of Karachi has made the health lifeless. One of the major causes of fatigue, nausea, and anxiety in hot summers is the lack of salt and water in the body.

Although medical experts advise drinking more water in summer, only water is not drunk frequently and water quenches thirst temporarily, but it cannot break the heat and restore energy every time.

So let us tell you about some of the drinks used during summer in Pakistan which are not only made from natural ingredients but are also healthy and provide relief from the heat.

Satu of Barley.

Barley Satu is a favorite summer break of most people.

When it comes to summer breaks, Barley Satu is a favorite drink of many people. It is prepared without hesitation and is also useful due to its cooling effect.

According to health experts, it contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The nutrients and antioxidants it contains improve heart health, and may help reduce inflammation. The ingredients it contains can help reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and other chronic health problems.

Barley also contains beneficial nutrients like fiber and magnesium that improve artery health. The good amount of iron included in it helps in the growth of red blood cells in the body.

According to medical experts, Satu syrup has a very low glycemic index, due to which it is considered useful for diabetic patients. But they encourage it to be consumed without added sugar.

Method of preparation.

It's very easy to make, just put two spoons of Satu in a glass, one spoon of sugar, and a little lemon juice too, what's the point? People suffering from diabetes can consume it without sugar. Mix it with cold water and the barley Satu is ready. If you want to make more, increase the amount of things accordingly. By the way, where can you fill yourself with a glass?

Lemon zest.

In Pakistan, most people's first choice after getting sick from the heat is lemon juice. Equally popular across Pakistan, this simple drink is not only refreshing but also healthy.

Although the methods of making lemon zest have evolved and people continue to add spices of their choice, the basic ingredients are lemon juice, salt, sugar, and cold water. In its modern forms, white cumin, black salt, and black pepper are added to make it more palatable.

Lemon, the main ingredient of lemon zest, not only helps in digesting food but it is considered to be the enemy of fat and helps to lose body fat. Lemon water (cold or hot) is often used by weight loss seekers it remains an important part of people's diet.

Lemons contain nutrients that are great for your heart health. Since lemons are rich in vitamin C, their consumption reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Stearic acid in lemons can help prevent kidney stones by increasing urine volume and urine pH.

Lemon helps the body absorb iron from plant-based foods without causing the problem of anemia.


Lassie is not only a summer break but is also considered an essential part of breakfast and meals in Pakistan's largest province in terms of population, Punjab.

Made primarily of curd and water, the drink is sweetened or salted according to the drinker's choice. It is one of those drinks that are not only made at home but are also sold at shops and stalls in the markets.

The curd is beaten well to make it smooth and then a lot of water is added to it. Drinkers can decide how thick the lassie should be. It is beaten once for good. Traditionally, a six-edged wooden instrument called 'madhani' is used to beat it. If it is a small quantity, it is run by rubbing it in the palms of the hands, but if it is a large vessel, it is rolled with the help of a rope. Clay pots are considered to be more preferred for making.

Since lassie is made from curd, who is not aware of the nutritional benefits of curd? Yogurt is a rich source of calcium and also contains phosphorus and potassium. Vitamin B-12 in yogurt is thought to be beneficial for health.

The minerals it contains regulate blood pressure, metabolism, and bone health. Certain probiotics in yogurt improve digestion. Not only this, but it can strengthen the body's immune system.

However, some people are 'lactose intolerant' who do not like yogurt, or milk products and their digestive system does not accept them, such people avoid lassies and other such drinks.

Tamarind and Aloo Bukhara Syrup.

The list of drinks made from natural ingredients in Pakistan is not small and when you think of both refreshing and delicious in summer, tamarind and aloo Bukhara Syrup cannot be left behind in the race.

It is also among the beverages that are sold in large containers at stalls outside markets highways and entertainment venues.

Tamarind and dry Aloo Bukhara vapors are soaked in water separately. After softening, tamarind pulp is separated from the kernels, and the same process is done with Aloo Bukhara. Then sugar or sugar is added to it and mixed with a lot of water for a long time. It is served over ice. If you want, cut fresh Aloo Bukhara thinly, the pleasure will be doubled.

Tamarind and Aloo Bukhara, both the main ingredients in this syrup, are full of nutritional benefits. They have a pleasant color and taste but they also have medical benefits, so their syrup will not only break the heat but also improve your health.

Tamarind and dry Aloo Bukhara vapors are soaked in water separately. After softening, tamarind pulp is separated from the kernels, and the same process is done with Aloo Bukhara. Then sugar or sugar is added to it and mixed with a lot of water for a long time. It is served over ice. If you want, cut fresh Aloo Bukhara thinly, the pleasure will be doubled.

Tamarind and Aloo Bukhara, both the main ingredients in this syrup, are full of nutritional benefits. They have a pleasant color and taste but they also have medical benefits, so their syrup will not only break the heat but also improve your health.

Aloo Bukhara is full of fiber that helps balance blood sugar. They also increase the body's production of a hormone called adiponectin, which helps regulate your blood sugar levels. Some studies show that steaming dried Aloo Bukhara helps reduce bone loss and may even protect them.

Similarly, tamarind is rich in antioxidants and contains good amounts of calcium, fiber, and magnesium. It can help in treating obesity as well as being good for people suffering from diabetes.

Mint Syrup or mint margarita.

Who can deny the wonderful feeling of freshness that comes with mint? This is the reason why apart from food and drink, its flavor is also added to soaps, shampoos, creams, chewing gums, and even tobacco products.

Both the aroma and the effectiveness of peppermint give a cooling sensation and brighten the mood. And if you drink mint syrup, you might have a good day. All you have to do is take a good mint pick its leaves and grind them. Add a lot of water, sugar, and lemon juice to it, a little black salt will make it taste better. Add ice to it and enjoy with sips.

If you mix these ingredients in a blender with just ice instead of water, the Ice Mint Margarita will be ready in 3 minutes. Remember that mint margarita available at expensive prices in hotels are not different in taste, but cold drinks and sodas full of sugar are not good for health.

Almost every housewife in Pakistan remembers the medical benefits of mint in one form or another. It is kept as a fresh plant in pots or dried in most homes as one of its major benefits is that it is an effective natural remedy for indigestion and food poisoning.

Mint helps treat intestinal problems. Its freshness and nutrition can relieve respiratory complaints. It also removes bad breath while improving oral health and it also strengthens the mind.

Nutrients in mint boost immunity and also help in reducing depression.

Finally, these were five nutritious drinks, but the list of such delicious refreshing, and nutritious drinks in Pakistan is endless. Fresh juice and you know what?

Medical experts say that if these all-natural drinks are prepared and consumed cleanly, they are not only tasty but also healthy as compared to canned artificial syrups and cold drinks available in the market. However, everything is beneficial as long as it is consumed in a balanced manner and keeping your health in mind, and obviously, a drink prepared at home in a clean environment is safer than a drink bought outside.


Although the medical benefits are mentioned in this article, people with diabetes or other medical conditions should consult their doctor before consuming any drink.
