How to maintain your health during Eid al-Adha?

Along with health and taste, you must eat meat, but also take care of these 5 things, otherwise, there may be harm.

Eid ul-Adha is celebrated on the 10th day of Dhu al-hijjah. It is the 12th month of the Islamic lunar calendar and it marks the completion of the hajj. On the occasion of Eid al-Adha, when there is an abundance of meat from sacrificial animals, on the other hand, people generously include this meat in their diet and prepare a variety of dishes - but remember, excess of anything is It is harmful - so definitely eat meat, but also take care of a few things with it, otherwise there may be a big loss.

Here are some tips on how to maintain your health during Eid al-Adha.


Be sure to walk for some time after eating meat - walking helps digestion and reduces the likelihood of nighttime restlessness. People who don't walk after eating wake up in the morning feeling nauseous or like food has stuck in their throat. So it would be best to be more careful after eating meat, especially since eating meat at night is unhealthy.

Fried meat.

If you want to eat meat for a long time but are afraid of oil, eat meat grilled over charcoal - although grilled meat contains oil, it is not as dangerous as meat cooked only in oil. The three days of Eid al-Adha are spent with the obligatory meat - but try not to put on extra fat - fried meat is usually bad for health anyway.

The idea of ​​quantity.

You can eat as much meat as you want, but your body must be able to handle it - or you could end up with serious gastrointestinal problems - so it's important to eat as much meat as you can easily. Can be digested and does not burden the stomach.

Avoid cold drinks.

It is common to have a cold drink with a meat-based meal on Bakr-Eid - but if you want to eat fried meat, then at least avoid a cold drink - otherwise, the two things go together. Can damage the stomach - anyway, the use of cold drinks is dangerous for the kidneys - so everything must be used in moderation.

Take the help of vegetables.

One thing that many people forget during Eid al-Adha is the mandatory addition of vegetables to meat dishes - if you include vegetables with meat, it can help you reduce the loss of meat. - So compromise on meat but don't compromise on your health.

Finally, Eid al Adha is a time to enjoy yourself and have foods and drinks that you wouldn`t normally have. So many traditional foods tend to be higher in saturated fat, sugars, and salt than our usual diets. But a healthy diet is important for managing diabetes and having healthier versions of traditional foods is a good way to enjoy food, while also looking after your diabetes. This might mean adapting certain recipes so that they are more balanced, lower in sugar, saturated fat, and salt, and include plenty of fruits and vegetables.
